Monthly subscriptions Planner box
Reserve your Planner box today! Luxury planner inserts & exclusive accessories, delivered to your home every month!
- The Planner Box contains 4 – 8 planning items
- First chance at new releases
- Receive exclusive products that won’t be available in the shop
- Includes stylish pens, pencils and other
stationery items

Every month subscribers receive a Planner box full of exclusive inserts & planner accessories.
Subscribe before the closing date to receive the current box.
Orders for the February box are open now!
Subscribe before January 27TH!
Step 1 – Select the Planner Box

Step 2 – Choose your subscription
1, 3 or 6 months
Step 3 – Wait (im)patiently
The Planner Boxes are sent between the 1st and the 5th of each month.